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Visitor/Resident Map

As a way to analyze, think, and talk about your digital identity it’s a good practice to start by making a Visitor and Resident (V&R) map and share it. It’s a way to visualize the way you interact in different online spaces.

Horizontal Axis

Visitor: Visiting site to accomplish a task, such as seeking out information or watching a video. No public trace after leaving or logging off.

Resident: Actively adding content to share with multiple people. This can be public to all on the web, those you’ve approved to follow, or in a more closed space such as Moodle.

Vertical Axis

Personal: This is content may show the more private or emotional side of you. It may literally be private, such as a personal Instagram account that you only allow friends to follow

Institutional: This can also be known as professional. Content may be intended towards employers or just showing accomplishments, for example. Specifically, it may be your LinkedIn profile or your work email.

VR Map Example

You can choose how you would like to make it but I recommend that you draw it out on paper. You may already have more than one digital identity if you maintain an identity for a business or project – feel free to map whichever identity you feel you would like to explore.

Further information on a Visitor and Resident map can be found here: Visitor and Resident Typology and Video on VR Mapping.